6 Rules for Onboarding Users to Your Health App
User onboarding is an incredibly important step in the user journey of any app. The first impression of your product will often determine whether people will stick with it or use it…
February 11, 2020 -
My Product Design Process – Gratitude Journal App
In this post I present my design process for going from a product concept to a finished app design. I’ll be using a concept that was inspired by a quote from one…
March 26, 2019 -
Behaviour Change Techniques in UX/UI Design
Couple of months ago I had an opportunity to chat to the Changing Health product team. I was impressed by their very informative and interesting whitepaper on the personalised application of behaviour…
February 18, 2019 -
[Infographic] 6 Steps to Developing Healthcare Apps
One thing I’ve learnt from attending Giant Health Event 2018 was that grassroots innovation is really common in the health field. A lot of startup founders I spoke to were clinicians, nurses,…
January 9, 2019 -
How to Develop Healthcare Apps with Patient-Centred Approach
Health tech industry is booming and mobile healthcare apps are expected to empower more patients to take control of their health and wellness. So why with 320,000 health apps in app stores…
December 7, 2018 -
5 Findings from User Testing of Mood Tracking Apps
As a UX designer and a user researcher, I’m committed to insight-driven design and continually testing assumptions. I’m also passionate about digital health and learning more about how people use technology to…
July 10, 2018 -
How Fitbit Could Improve Their Dashboard – UX Teardown and Redesign
In the previous post, we talked about UX design guidelines for useful health dashboards. To illustrate the outlined principles, this week we’ll have a look at a real-life example: recently redesigned Fitbit.com…
October 28, 2017